HDD lab tools cover a wide range of devices
Hard Disk Drives are actually installed on many different devices like car infotainment systems, CCTV and DVR, laptop, servers, USB HDD, NAS units, desktop computers, industrial machines etc. The first step in forensic analysis is acquisition of a target.
Contact us for detailed information about our tools and training, here below some featured tools

FLAME PC VERSION is a hardware and software complex combining a PCI Express card and 1 box with a modular software designed to recover data from damaged hard disks and/or copy by using hardware direct control over the disk.

It’s a stand-alone portable workstation including data recovery tools to copy scan and extract files from HDDs removed from DVR and CCTV units, onboard hardware and software can manage fully working and damaged drives

It’s a hardware and software complex able to copy drives connected at sector level to a physical drive or image file. Source channels are write protected. With Genesis is possible to copy ATA password locked drives, skip bad sectors and errors.

FLOW LAMINAR CLEAN BENCH is absolutely mandatory to create a clean controlled environment in order to work without dust.
Keeping air “clean” is needed for opening hard drive in a safe way, dust particles can be bigger than head’s flight height causing head crashes making it impossible to recover data.

HEADSWAP TOOLSET is a full set od spacers and combs to help the operator in head swap operations. With this set will be possible to easily exchange heads on the most common drives avoiding risk of damaging headstack increasing success rate in physical data recovery. All physical repair operations must be performed in a clean environment (clean bench)

Optical microscope up 45X magnifier is used to check head physical status. If heads are scratched there can be one or more head crashes on surfaces, knowing this may change diagnosis steps. Checking for cleanness of heads is another important topic in data recovery from hard disk as well checking wires, pads and TAPs is needed in FLASH and mobile phones data recovery