Phones, smartwatches, drones and more

Embedded memory cards are actually installed on many different such as: car infotainment systems (Emmc), Smartphones main memory chips, GPS navigation systems, inside a SIM card or in Drones with internal memory, always the first step in forensic analysis is acquisition of a target .

Contact us for detailed information about our tools and training, here below some featured tools


is the new version of the first hardware and software complex capable to acquire and extract data from a wide range of devices, unlocked, locked or even damaged. The suite is composed by hardware and software to read and extract data directly from the memory chips through chip-off or through USB.


COLD CHIP-OFF is an automatic engraver to perform chip-off, even though it doesn’t fully replace traditional hot procedure, the new technology of the cold chip off becomes fundamental in those cases where positioning, glue used and heat sensitive devices may bring to memory damage with standard heating operations.


JTAG/ISP TABLE is used to connect the TAPs of Jtag interface or ISP without the need of soldering wires. It’s a non destructive way to read memory chip content for older phone with active Jtag interface or known ISP pinout. Ths tool can be bought with a JTAg/ISP box or used with boxes already available in the lab.