Secure encrypted radio system communication
BeeTac is a complete communication system that uses the data network (GPRS, 3G, 4G, and WIFI) through a proprietary algorithm that allows to communicate securely by encrypting with dynamic keys all phases of communication from the first hand-shake between server and radio to the entire communication phase. It allows communication as simple as a normal radio system, as secure as an encrypted messaging system without having to invest in infrastructure since it relies on the existing one created by telephone operators, or in case of need it is always possible to create a Wi-Fi network to cover a determined area with significantly lower costs.
It involves the use of two communication paths to adapt to the actual conditions of the available network. The main route relies on the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) normally used for the audio stream modified to make it more efficient and with the addition of an OCB-AES128 encryption system to prevent possible “Man In the Middle” type attacks and maintain security in case of network packet sniffing.
In the case where the network does not allow communication via UDP (bad connectivity, blocking streaming services via UDP, access through wi-fi network limited for the stream) the system will automatically switch to TCP creating a virtual tunnel for the stream to pass through, in this case the encryption system is TLSV1-AES256-SHA type keeping the communication secure.
As each connected radio equipped with a SIM card (including IoT type) will be credited to the cellular network like a telephone it can then be placed on a “white list” of devices that are allowed to communicate within environments controlled by smart blocking systems (jammers with smart activators).
BeeTac server
The system consists of a SERVER that can be either virtual online (for companies that do not require special security) or proprietary In-House installed at the customer’s premises and not reachable except by radios, The server can be controlled from an authorized workstation through a web interface, a specified maximum number of radios can connect to the server depending on the configuration.
The server management system provides for a variety of options, creation of policies, channels, and groups guaranteeing each user access to the channels reserved for him or her, with the option of blocking access to radios that may be lost or stolen and thus should not be able to listen to confidential communications, the server is also able to track the location of each radio in real time.
SERVER interface
Front end let you manage different servers for multi-server applications, channels permissions, display connected users in real time.
The interface will show all the radios and it is possible to move selected radios to a channel of your choice for urgent communications.
Through settings you can change radio settings remotely, connecting the radio to a local wi-fi, send text messages (text to speech) and block or enable a radio.
Last but not least the “Online Users” option will display the name of the channel, the unique id for each radio and its name, TCP and UDP signal quality, charge status, how long it has been online, and installed software version.
Geolocation is also available to track al the connected radios and see recorded routes.

There are different radio models with or without a screen, single-SIM or dual-SIM, portable, “vehicular” type to be installed on vehicles (cars, trucks, buses..) or for the fixed location of the operations center.
Screen-less devices are extremely compact and rugged and are usually suitable for heavy, outdoor work (crafts, law enforcement, etc.) The screen-less device allows for safer handling and greater ease of use. The system consists of a radio with a PTT transmit button that is pressed at the moment you decide to communicate on the system and is released at the end of communication to switch to listening. In addition, there are two knobs, one for selecting the operating channel (which can also be preset by the server-side operations center) and one for controlling the volume of the incoming conversation, two multifunction buttons, one used to give the battery and connection status and the second to check for a message that the operations center may have sent to the device, Finally, there is a microphone/speaker port that allows the device to connect an external microphone or headset.

Thanks to the BeeTac compression algorithm and our communication protocol, the amount of data and bandwidth required to communicate is much lower than a normal messaging application allowing us to use an IoT or M2M SIM (with about 500MB/month) for professional use (standard work 8 hours/day).